Stop Being Such A Copy Cat

Seriously stop Copying me !!!!

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I’m sure you’ve noticed that the above movies are weirdly similar and what’s even more weird that these movies were both release within a year of each other. They basically have the same idea and concept behind it but how is this not seen as Copying ?

Lets all be honest there is always one version of the two that is way more successful and overall is a way better movie aka ‘The wild’ will never compete to how amazing Madagascar is… just saying


If you’ve noticed its most commonly Disney and DreamWorks creating similar movies as they are constant competing but were is the originality people cmon !!!


Copyright was emplaced so that it will generate new ideas not just the same ones with minor details. The content industry Argues that a world without copyright would be a world without new ideas. Without new ideas who and what would be the future of the film industry.

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